Armadio: italian for closet, a place to hung clothes and store things.

venerdì 25 luglio 2014

First day of freedom

Hi there! I just had the last exam of this semester yesterday and now I'm going to enjoy the freedom I erarned!
Now, since now I'm free, I finally can recap these last months.

As I said before, I had a very tough time in these last months, but during this heavy time I met some very good friends, who helped me out in these hard times alongside to my old friends. I'm very grateful to them.

Anyway, the biggest issue I had in this period, apart from university, was my hair. I let them grow, for about half an year, then I made them be trimmed and from that point on, they started to grow straight and more fragile than ever. Due to this fact I cut them off and, fortunately, now they are growing strog and thick again.

I also could check an element form my wishlist: I bought a borsalino-like hat!

Moreover, In june, I turned 20, therefore I made a beach party and a house party in the evening. There were some friends of mine and we really had fun!

Now I'm leaving the town for the seaside, so my next post might be written from the beach!

xx, Emiliano.

PS. I will edit this post and add some photos in these days!

martedì 15 luglio 2014

I'm really not good with promises.

I know, I said that I'd had written more often then I did before, but actually I did nothing.
So, it's been nine, yeah nine months since I last wrote and during this time lots of things happened.

Anyway, let me first tell you the reasons of my "lies". Just one word: university.
This year has been very difficult for me because I was behind on my exams, therefore I had to catch up with my work in order to not being stuck at the first year.
I know it's sounds like a big likely story, but I had really, really little free time, so I apologise.

As for the news, I will update a quick recap of the last months as soon as my exams are over, that to say after the 24th of july.

Finally, since I'm not good with promises, I will just try to update more frequently.

Lo so, dissi che avrei scritto più di quanto avevo fatto fin'ora, alla fine non l'ho fatto.
Allora, sono passati nove, dico ben nove mesi dal mio ultimo post (nel quale promettevo di scrivere più spesso, tra l'altro) e, come ci si più aspettare, molte cose sono successe.

Prima di questo, permettetemi di spiegare il perchè delle mie mancanze. tutto è riassumibile con una sola parola: università.
Quest'anno è statp particolarmente difficile per me, in quanto avevo un bel po' di esami arretrati ed ho dovuto faticare per recuperarli, così da non riamenre poi bloccato al primo anno.
So che sembra un'enorme scusa, ma quasi non ho avuto tempo libero, è stata veramente dura.

Per quanto riguarda le novità, posterò un breve riassunto di questi nove mesi d'assenza non appena avrò completato tutti gli esami della sessione, cioè dopo il 24 luglio.

Comunque, siccome s'è capito che con le promesse non sono un granchè, l'unica cosa che farò è provare a scrivere più spesso.

xx, Emiliano.